Spacers - Modular hip spacers - Anatomical knee spacers
If Biomed can currently supply you with different standard sterile spacer systems we currently are awaiting the rapid venue of our first anti-biotic loaded modular spacer
Indeed after years of experience in using standard spacers it is obvious that it it is very difficult to have a spacer which corresponds effectively to the type of stem implant being removed. Specially from a length, size and offset point of view and with a correct head size corresponding to reality.
The same concerns knee spacers. Existing knee spacers are symetrical and should really be anatomical while still providing the surgeon with an option of being able to use both. This type of knee implant is now available.
The first antibiotic loaded modular spacer which will allow surgeons to adapt to the required situation and also to select appropriate stem length and width to truely maintain the space required to remain invasion free is on its way.
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